Jan 30, 2010

I'm Just Doing My Job!

So I was at work when this person came in and wanted to take out some money. I asked him for his ID and he got really mad. He said that he has been banking here for a while and that why do I need his ID. I told him that it was just to protect his money and his account information. He then looked at me and said "Well that's your problem isnt it!" Needless to say he gave me his ID, I gave him the money and told him to have a good day.
It's funny how people act or OVER react to such little things. If someone didn't ask me for my ID then I would be worried that my account isn't being protected!

I'm not going to go on a rampage about my Job because frankly I love my Job. Everybody is so nice and caring and they are overall a fun bunch to work with! My boss, Mrs. Applesauce, is the coolest boss ever, Big jokester but a lot of fun! Mrs. Sparkles & me always have fun. We joke about a lot of stuff and we get along very well. Mrs. Bling is very nice and caring and she is very funny.! (We all Have nicknames)

Another thing I love about my Job is that it has really showed me how to not care what people think. Not in a rude way but more like when someone get's mad at me because they over drew their account. It has taught me to not let that affect me personally. This has helped me a lot in the real world, like when someone says something rude to me I don't really let it affect me personally.

I think people who are rude like that to employees need to take a walk in our shoes and see how they would feel if they were on the other end of the counter. I think they would have a completly different attitude! Don't you?

jhon Lebaron,jhon898


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